

Feature 1

  • 40 minutes by local road from Hiroshima city!
  • 히로시마시내에서 일반도로로 단 40분만에 !
  • 开车从广岛市内出发,走普通路只需40分钟!
  • 開車從廣島市內出發,走普通路只需40分鐘!

You can come to visit by local road from the center of Hiroshima city. Enjoy strawberry picking conveniently located close to center of Hiroshima city.

Feature 2

  • 5 minutes walk from JR Nakamita Station!
  • JR나카미타역에서 농원까지 걸어서 5분!
  • 从火車(JR)三田站出发步行只需5分钟!
  • 從火車三田站出發步行只需5分鐘!

Strawberry picking tourist farm is along the JR line, which is rare in Hiroshima. When you go out or your friend come to Hiroshima for sightseeing, you can visit our farm and enjoy strawberry picking.

Feature 3

  • Processed products such as strawberry jam are also under development one after another!
  • 딸기잼 등 가공품도 속속 개발중!
  • 草莓果酱等加工品也在陆续开发中!
  • 草莓果醬等加工品也在陸續開發中!

You can enjoy not only strawberry picking but also buying strawberries and processed products for souvenirs.

Feature 4

  • You can enjoy mogberry by online shopping.
  • 온리인숍에서 주문하시고 집에서도 모그베리를 즐길 수 있습니다!
  • 在家网购也可以享受mogberry (莫格草莓)的乐趣!
  • 在家網購也可以享受mogberry(莫格草莓)的樂趣!

In addition to strawberries, you can buy jams and other processed products, fresh fruits and seasonal vegetables on the Internet.